Finding the right Estate Agent
If you're in the market to sell your property, you're likely feeling a bit anxious about choosing the right estate agent to work with.
It's understandable; after all, your property is one of your most valuable assets.
While choosing an agent at random may be tempting, it's important to understand that not all agents are created equal. Some may offer more value for your money, while others may not do much to market and sell your property.
With that in mind, we've put together six tips to help you find the right estate agent in West London.
Shortlist a Few Agents
If you're new to selling property, it can be challenging to know where to start. Our first recommendation is to ask friends and family for recommendations. However, it's important not to be swayed by one specific aspect of an agent's marketing, such as their for-sale signs or glossy promo materials. Instead, go online and check reviews and websites, paying particular attention to accreditations like the Ombudsman Scheme. This ensures your agent operates within codes of conduct and handles complaints professionally. Shortlist a few agents you'd consider selling with.
Shortlist Your Shortlist
Once you've narrowed your choices to a few agents, it's time to do further research.
Check out their websites to learn what they offer and read online reviews. If you're looking for an agent in Hammersmith, for example, search their Google reviews.
Pay attention to the properties they've sold that are similar to your own. Also, ensure their listings look professional, with good-quality photos and well-written descriptions.
Narrow down your list to two or three great choices, and then contact the agents to arrange a market appraisal.
Visit Their Office
While it's tempting to email a prospective agent, it's not always advised. Visiting them in person gives you a stronger impression of what they're like. When you visit, take note of the welcome you receive from staff and whether they are helpful and friendly. An agent with sixty or seventy listings to sell from one office can easily be overwhelmed, whilst an agent with fewer properties may offer a more personal service and spend more time promoting and working on your property – If you get a good vibe, book an appointment for a market appraisal. If not, look elsewhere.
The Valuation
When an agent steps through your front door, there are several things to note.
Are they professional? Do they demonstrate good knowledge of your property and the wider area? Inviting a few agents around separately is a good idea, as it gives you a better indication of your property's worth.
However, don't be put off if one agent offers an unusually higher or lower valuation. It could be the case that they are more knowledgeable about your property and the local area and have given a more accurate appraisal of its worth.
Let Them Know Your Requirements
Let your agent know your requirements, whether you need to sell quickly or you're looking for a larger property for your growing family. A great agent will go out of their way to help you, regardless of your circumstances. A bad agent could hinder you.
Ask Questions
Selling homes never offer a 'one size fits all' solution. Therefore, knowing what your agent will do specifically to sell your property is essential. It could be the case that they already have 'hot' leads on their books, actively searching for properties in your area.
In conclusion, selling your property is a significant decision, and choosing the right estate agent is critical. Don't be swayed by slick marketing tactics alone.
Do your research, shortlist your choices, visit their office, ask questions, and let them know your requirements.
With these tips, you'll find the right estate agent to sell your property with confidence.
Let us know when your coming to see us, and we will put the kettle on
Written by John Rigg